
Rebecca Peloquin Awarded by APA Los Angeles

A stack of California citrus is artfully placed in a still life image by photographer Rebecca Peloquin.

We are excited to announce that still life photographer, Rebecca Peloquin, was awarded for her image, “Southern California Citrus” by APA Los Angeles in their “2024 Off The Clock” contest, celebrating personal work.

“As an artist, when I’m not creating everything falls apart so it’s really important for my brain to always keep exploring. This image is from a rainy afternoon in my studio spent challenging myself to look at simple items in a compelling way- the fruit was gifted from a friend’s trees and the wood I burnt to give texture, the fork thrifted, together they assemble to reflect back this moment of stillness and bounty.”

From over 1000 submissions, George Kocis, Director and Partner at Staley-Wise Gallery, selected 100 images for APA LA’s Off The Clock 2024 Exhibition, including three Best In Show images. See the full winners gallery here.

If you are interested in learning more about Rebecca’s work, get in touch with one of our producers. 

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